The consultation event will be held for the people who need help finding
a rental house around Iga-shi, like a senior citizen, a person with disability,
a foreign citizen, and a child-rearing household.
Please feel free to visit and have a talk.
【Time】27th January, 2017, Fri. 13:00-16:00
【Venue】Ueno Fureai Plaza 3F Meetingroom, Chu-kaigishitsu
【Consultant】Iga-shi social welfare council, Realtor, Prefectural and City
【Inquiry】Kenchiku-Jutaku Ka ☎ 43-2330 FAX43-2332
Iga-shi social welfare council ☎ 21-5866
Mie Pref. Kendoseibi Bu, Jutaku Ka ☎ 059-224-2720